Ways To Give.

Ways To Give

As a non-profit organization, we rely solely on donations to provide this compassionate community outreach. If you are interested in partnering with us, please consider the following ways to give:

  • Donate Online
    Donate online using our secure online donation form. One-time, monthly or memorial gifts options are available.
  • Donate by Mail
    Please make cheque payable to Christian Advocacy Society, on the memo line please specify if you would like to designate your donation to CPC Burnaby or CPC Vancouver. Please mail to 7879 Edmonds Street, Burnaby, BC V3N 1B9.
  • Donate by Phone
    Call 604-525-0999 to make a VISA or MasterCard donation.
  • Monthly Pledge
    Your preauthorized monthly gift will provide a consistent and much-needed source of support for us to better serve women and children in distress. Please download the form below and mail it to us.
  • Direct Debit Monthly Pledge Form
  • Credit Card Monthly Pledge Form
  • Make a Bequest to our charity
    Making a bequest to our charity in your will is a wonderful way to leave a meaningful legacy to the next generation. Please call 604-525-0999 for more details.
  • Make a Gift of Securities
    Donating your stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares is a tax efficient way to optimize the impact of your gifts. With the tax on the capital gains in publicly traded securities eliminated, you will be entitled a donation receipt equal to the full fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift. For details call 604-525-0999.

Thank you for your kindness. A tax-deductible receipt will be mailed to you. Our Canada Revenue Agency registration number is 13622 3971 RR0001.

In 35 years of ministry, we have assisted over 22,500 women in distress. Will you partner with usto continue this unique urban mission?