Facing the Unexpected With You.
Free, confidential support and resources as you navigate a crisis or unintended pregnancy.
✓ Free Pregnancy Testing
✓ Options Information
✓ Practical Support
When you think you’re pregnant, the last thing you need is more pressure.
- Strained relationships with your partner and family
- Possible setbacks to your schooling, career or life plans
- The weight of financial responsibility
- Inner conflict as you consider your options
- Fear of facing things alone
Even if things feel unstable, there is a safe place to explore your thoughts and feelings.
- Pregnancy testing
- Options counselling
- Resources and ongoing support
“We understand this may not be the path you planned. But no matter how anxious or alone you may feel in this moment, you do not have to face this by yourself. The decisions about your pregnancy are yours to make, but you deserve support throughout the journey.”
Program Director

Be Cared For
Our doors are open to women and men walking through a pregnancy they didn’t anticipate. Access our free, confidential services from our compassionate, qualified team of staff and volunteers.

Be Heard
You’ll find a comforting space to work through your thoughts and feelings. We’ll introduce you to helpful, healthy decision-making tools you can use to plan your next steps.

Be Sure
Give yourself the time and opportunity to explore your options and talk through your questions. It’s the best way to make a decision you can own.
A Safe Place to Turn in Crisis or Uncertainty
We offer non-medical quality care for women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Our clients find a safe, respectful environment, and the encouragement to pursue a healthy future.
I came to the centre in search of options counseling, and I found so much more… genuine care, compassion, and perhaps most valuable: community. I am grateful for the part they have played in my life since I first stepped through their door.
CPCC Client
I would recommend this place to everybody who is alone or needs to talk to someone about their circumstances.
CPCC Client
If you are or might be pregnant and need someone to talk to, we’re here to listen.

1. Book an Appointment
You’ll find a warm, encouraging woman here to listen to your story and concerns. If you need a free pregnancy test, one of our caring team members will help you.

2. Take Time to Process
We know this is hard and a lot to take in. We’re here to answer your questions and give you resources and support for the decisions ahead.

3. Rise to your future
Only you can make the right decisions for you. We’ll walk alongside you with respect and support. Whatever path you choose, we’re here for as long as you need us.
Discovering Your Strength on an Unexpected Path
Every woman has dreams and plans for her future. So, if you’re facing an unintended pregnancy, it might feel like everything has turned upside down. It may feel like a crisis. Now you have decisions to make and taking care of yourself emotionally and physically is crucial.
We believe you deserve quality care that empowers you along this unexpected journey. We are here if you’re feeling alone and looking for help to process and navigate this news.
If you know or suspect you are pregnant, we invite you to book an appointment for a free pregnancy test or to talk with a trained, supportive team member. As you walk through the doors of our centre, you’ll breathe easier, knowing this is a free, confidential space to get information and qualified, judgment-free care.
You do not have to do this by yourself. Our doors are open to you — no matter your story or situation. You’ll find a listening ear, practical resources, and your inner strength for your next step.
So, make an appointment and allow yourself to figure things out with someone walking alongside you on this unexpected path.